Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stacey Tagged Me! :)

So, I've been officially tagged (back in mid-Nov.)! :) Here's my answers:

Both hands in writing something

So, I wrote this up in mid November ... and took a pic of my writing then, but I'm too lazy to upload it now. ROFL. Just visualize writing decent/nice with my right hand, and not as well with my left hand. Ok - now you've "seen" the pic. ROFL!

5 of my 50/50's..

  1. What is my favorite color? It is either TEAL or PURPLE. I love them both, and I switch back & forth as to which is my favorite.
  2. Facebook vs Blogging.
  3. Girls or Boys (in terms of preference of sex of child). ... Although right now I am looking forward to change as I've had a girl then 2 boys in a row. LOL
  4. Dove dark chocolate or any chocolate thing Mrs. Cavanaugh's has (there is a local shop with a Cavanaugh family member that runs it). ...Mostly this has to do with money though. I'd get a bag of mixed chocolates from Mrs. Cavanaugh's if it cost the same as a bag of delectible dark Dove chocolate.... Ok - maybe this one didn't count - but I can't delete it now that chocolate is involved!!!
  5. Amazon.com shopping or in the store shopping.
  6. *Bonus* (if the chocolate one didn't count - or made you mad cause you don't have any chocolate around!) - The aroma of Wassail or the aroma of Apples & Cinnamon.

5 pet peeves

  1. Anyone talking on cell phones in a line at a store.

  2. Anyone texting more than once while you are doing something with them.

  3. Anyone using the passing lane as a lane to "hang out" in indefinitely (until they have to get off an exit).

  4. Anyone that is a very obvious bad listener.

  5. Anyone that stares at a parent that is honestly trying their best to be a parent at the time.

5 things that don't mix well (mine are mostly food-oriented lol)

  1. Rice and soy sauce or rice with "stuff" in it (i.e. "Fried Rice").

  2. Pancakes and loads of syrup.

  3. Hot foods and cooked nuts.

  4. Cats & Mice (Cats & Rats - more likely ok together lol)

  5. Lucky Charms - the mix of weird tasting cereal with really dried up marshmallows doesn't mix well - especially when you add milk!

***If you've read this, you've been "tagged"! Post on the same topics - with your own answers. If you have time, show us your handwriting with each hand. :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tip Junkie

I just discovered these new sites: Tip Junkie and Tip Junkie's ShopAThon. Just thought I'd add the URLs and let you all know that there are prizes being given away, so enter the contest! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 21, 2008 @ 5:10 PM

If the title didn't spark a light in you, please still read on.... if you know what is good for you! :-P

If the title did spark a light in you, you are still reading... and you know what is good for you already! :-D J/K!!!

On the above date and time I'm going to go drag Brian with me to see Twilight. I've been a bit surprised with myself because I'm getting more and more excited to see it.

Possible reasons:

  • It is a date with Brian. :-)

  • "Everyone else" is excited - I mean, the tickets are getting SOLD OUT!

  • I liked the book more than I had thought. >>>EEK<<< (I'm still leery of that conclusion)

So, onto why those that have not read the book (or had no interest in even touching them). Well, I was kind of in that category. There are a slew of different reasons why some of us don't/didn't want to read it. Mine was mostly that I had stopped reading a long while back because I'd get so much anxiety from having to reread a sentence (yes, a sentence) because my brain doesn't always run as smoothly as I'd like. Other than that I have always LOVED English (I've been known to write a few things on my own now and then) as a kid. I also thought it was a silly craze, and didn't want to be a part of the madness.

A great friend of mine had mentioned her interest in the book, and that is when for some odd reason, I decided to give it a go. After some deal searching, I went to Amazon.com to get it. I read it in about 9 days. I am not a read-the-book-all-night person. I did stumble on more than I'd like, but I read it.

My quick review of the "Worldwide Best Seller" would highlight these main points:

Negative - or at least quandaries that bug me:

  • This first novel was no winner of fantastic awards in literature writing talent in my book. Off and on it actually kind of bugged me... I mean you'd think the editor would have said something to tweak parts to help the storyline flow with ease.

  • This is a "teen" novel. I knew this in the beginning - but I hadn't accounted for the situations that would be involved considering much of the time was centered on High School activities and teens hanging out. What was I thinking? LOL Duh, it is a TEEN novel, Marian! :-p

  • Bella. Hmm, well I just don't know what to say. "They" say we girls all relate to Bella, but I cringed at her non-reluctance with associating so closely with a young/OLD Vampire. I still cringe. I mean I know she is clumsy and a teen that needs a bit more direction in her life, but I'd hope she'd be a bit more smart. I know... "But what about Edward's eye soothing looks and gaze?" ...

  • Edward. Why would he be interested in a teen? I mean he's built all this time in his "life" gaining experiences that have matured him... why would that make him stop where he is in life to be with a human teen? Yes, I know he'd never been in love before, but ... well, I dunno - I'm actually a little puzzled about how I feel about this.


  • I've not read a vampire novel of any kind, so it was fun to delve into something new.

  • The story becomes addictive. There is action, fantasy, drama and sappiness which encouraged me to keep reading!

  • I love the back stories of the characters. I think this is one of my favorite parts. They all have their angles in life that add tremendously to the story. They are the story.

  • I read the first novel (Twilight) - so it passed my anxiety test. That is something for myself and the author to be proud of.

If you'd like to know some of the details in the movie/storyline go HERE. There is a lot of info - and my favorite was stuff about Stephenie Meyer's vampires.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Brooke learned yesterday in school about the coolness of tadpoles turning into frogs = metamorphosis. From what I got from the teacher, they looked in a book showing the stages, and were told to draw the stages and the names of the frog in that stage.
The teacher hadn't looked at the drawings of the kids very much, so when Brooke was showing me hers, the teacher did a double take, "Wow, Miss Brooke, I should have used your pictures for the example instead!"

Here is Brooke's example of the metamorphosis of a frog:

She made sure to tell me I needed to take notice in the changes of color in each stage:
Tadpole is light green,
Frog with tail is a little bit of a darker green:

And the frog (check out the FLY!) is a dark green:

And here is how she set it up to make a "book". Fold down both the top sides, then have the backs of the bottom ones touch. When the left top side is folded down you see the "frog eggs". It opens backwards for a book, but I thought it was pretty cool she tried to make a book in the first place. :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mom, Bridger's Doing Something VERY Bad...

So, our mornings are crazy. But, any mom that has ever had 3 kids and herself to get ready by 8 am, then driven to 2 different schools (and I think this could apply to many mothers) can relate easily. Well, during this craziness, I gave myself 10 minutes to take a shower, get dressed and do my hair.

10 minutes is a very long time for a child... apparently. They can find the dardest things to do in only 10 minutes = 600 seconds!

For example:

  • Bicker with siblings while hollering, "Moooooooooooom!"

  • Eat an entire box of PopTarts

  • Reprogram your computer

  • Turn the TV channel to some awful "adult" show

  • Let the dogs loose outside ... front or back

  • Climb on the counter/table/dog crate/desk/etc

  • "Do" the dishes

  • Get crafty... This is fun stuff! Permanent marker, pencil, crayon, colored pencil, pen on walls, decor, important papers, electronics etc. Or etchings of your name works great too!

  • I'd rather not add more because I am concerned for the fear I may be putting into potential mother's mind/heart. It is great being a mom, I promise!

So, for today, Bridger did something especially fun. He broke the alt key in half on the laptop keyboard, and removed 15 total keys on the left side. Yes, you read that right. I put the esc, shift and ctrl keys back in place, but you can see the shift key is at an angle. I can't get the others on...

Yes, I still love this precious Child of God. In fact, let me add this experience to add to this thought:

Wednesday, I went to the baby Dr (everything is great), then to the store with Spencer and Bridger. The boys were being a bit of a "handful", but not being screamy or horrible... I still had much patience with them. Anyway, we were waiting at the Deli, and this lady kept giving me "the look". You know, the one where you wonder if she ever had any kids of her own (turns out she did - 2 sets of twins a couple of years a part!). So, I'm just smiling though, and trying not to read into the stares.

She then says, "I almost feel bad for you."

I was taken back, but quickly smiled and replied, "Oh, don't feel bad, I love them."

And I do! ALL of them. :)