Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Brooke learned yesterday in school about the coolness of tadpoles turning into frogs = metamorphosis. From what I got from the teacher, they looked in a book showing the stages, and were told to draw the stages and the names of the frog in that stage.
The teacher hadn't looked at the drawings of the kids very much, so when Brooke was showing me hers, the teacher did a double take, "Wow, Miss Brooke, I should have used your pictures for the example instead!"

Here is Brooke's example of the metamorphosis of a frog:

She made sure to tell me I needed to take notice in the changes of color in each stage:
Tadpole is light green,
Frog with tail is a little bit of a darker green:

And the frog (check out the FLY!) is a dark green:

And here is how she set it up to make a "book". Fold down both the top sides, then have the backs of the bottom ones touch. When the left top side is folded down you see the "frog eggs". It opens backwards for a book, but I thought it was pretty cool she tried to make a book in the first place. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cute!!! love the details in the changing colors :)