Friday, November 7, 2008

Mom, Bridger's Doing Something VERY Bad...

So, our mornings are crazy. But, any mom that has ever had 3 kids and herself to get ready by 8 am, then driven to 2 different schools (and I think this could apply to many mothers) can relate easily. Well, during this craziness, I gave myself 10 minutes to take a shower, get dressed and do my hair.

10 minutes is a very long time for a child... apparently. They can find the dardest things to do in only 10 minutes = 600 seconds!

For example:

  • Bicker with siblings while hollering, "Moooooooooooom!"

  • Eat an entire box of PopTarts

  • Reprogram your computer

  • Turn the TV channel to some awful "adult" show

  • Let the dogs loose outside ... front or back

  • Climb on the counter/table/dog crate/desk/etc

  • "Do" the dishes

  • Get crafty... This is fun stuff! Permanent marker, pencil, crayon, colored pencil, pen on walls, decor, important papers, electronics etc. Or etchings of your name works great too!

  • I'd rather not add more because I am concerned for the fear I may be putting into potential mother's mind/heart. It is great being a mom, I promise!

So, for today, Bridger did something especially fun. He broke the alt key in half on the laptop keyboard, and removed 15 total keys on the left side. Yes, you read that right. I put the esc, shift and ctrl keys back in place, but you can see the shift key is at an angle. I can't get the others on...

Yes, I still love this precious Child of God. In fact, let me add this experience to add to this thought:

Wednesday, I went to the baby Dr (everything is great), then to the store with Spencer and Bridger. The boys were being a bit of a "handful", but not being screamy or horrible... I still had much patience with them. Anyway, we were waiting at the Deli, and this lady kept giving me "the look". You know, the one where you wonder if she ever had any kids of her own (turns out she did - 2 sets of twins a couple of years a part!). So, I'm just smiling though, and trying not to read into the stares.

She then says, "I almost feel bad for you."

I was taken back, but quickly smiled and replied, "Oh, don't feel bad, I love them."

And I do! ALL of them. :)


Anonymous said...

what a rude comment. hly cow!

let me slap her for you!

{{{hugs mommie}}}}

Anonymous said...

I love your response to that lady! Perfect!

Kids sure are creative, aren't they?

Devri said...

ok I found you on Modern Molly Mormon. I just have to say that people are rude, and mean people suck.. I have 7 kids who are 10 and under, and whenever we go out, people always stare..

Get a life people....

Cute blog.