Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Six-Year-Old Brooke's Drawings October 2008

I don't know if I've mentioned it to you all, but Brooke LOVES drawing! Of course her favorite animal is a horse, so her drawings tend to start with a horse. She has other drawings of other animals - and I will make a video of them when I get a chance. But, this is current! October 2, 2008 she drew these. :)

Other YouTube videos of ours posted here:



Melissa said...

Brooke has a lot of talent! I hope she continues to follow her dreams!

Jeremy & Jennifer said...

Wow! She is quite a little artist for 6 years old!
Maybe she'll grow up to be a children's book author. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! She does a good job.

Elizabeth is obsessed with horses, too. She collects horse toys, horse books, horse magazines, horse moveies; plays horses (both with her toys and being a horse herself), and talks about them all the time. She draws horses incessantly, too. Sounds like our girls have a lot in common! :)

Anonymous said...

she has a LOT of potential! really good stuff :)

and yes, michael didn't wear the shoes for long :O)

loved catching up and so glad it didn't snow here yet, I am always happier when it waits til after Oct. LOL